Services by AFI Solutions GmbH

AFI Service offers more than just the standard!

We gear our service to your needs. Our staff members are happy to assist you and support you in all matters concerning your AFI solution - be it on-site, by phone or remote connection on seven days per week and around the clock if you wish.

AFI DocumentHub

Document Recognition in the Cloud

Accelerate your SAP processes with AFI cloud services: process large data documents from incoming orders, order confirmations or incoming invoices better, faster and more cost-effectively.

AFI DocumentHub

Digitization service

Full Service for Document Digitization

As a paper avoidance and document process specialist, we offer you a comprehensive service for the professional digitalization of a wide variety of paper documents.

Digitization Service


The AFI CustomerCenter

The AFI CustomerCenter is the right contact point for competent consulting, possible adjustments, extensions or upgrade services of our software solutions.



The AFI Support

The AFI Support is at your side with its consulting competence and extensive services from one source as well as target-oriented, practicable solutions.



AFI Academy

The online platform allows for a quick and easy familiarization with the AFI software world. Your employees can flexibly become qualified - independent of time schedules.


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  • Google Chrome
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Your AFI Solutions
