
The best combination for consistently efficient processes: our AFI Solutions add-ons sustainably optimize your SAP ecosystem. Both on the large and small scale - with AFI, document processing in SAP simply runs better.

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Purchase Requisitions

Internal procurement can work just like online ordering: everything completely electronic of course.

Outbound Orders

Send and control orders and accompanying documents digitally and conveniently from SAP.

Incoming Order Confirmations

Digital and automated processing of incoming order confirmations in SAP is a must-have in procurement. The solution also provides SAP Ariba with the crucial efficiency factor

Delivery Notes

Digitize delivery notes or shipping notifications throughout or simply by barcode. The result is always the same: Simplified goods receipt processes.

Incoming Invoices

Processing of incoming invoices as it should be nowadays: central, digital and automated in the best possible way: The logical consequence is full transparency and control.

Outgoing Invoices

Electronical sending of outgoing invoices to save printing, shipping and postage costs – maximum overview included.  ZUGFeRD (“a uniform standard for the electronic transmission of invoice data in Germany”), XRechnung or EDIFACT play along of course.

Incoming Orders

More time for real sales tasks due to automated and digital order entry as well as processing and control of incoming customer orders in SAP.

Travel Expense Reports

Digital submission of expenses, bills and travel expense reports via mobile apps - simple, user-friendly and paperless.

Any Type of Documents

Controlling all types of documents digitally in the SAP follow-up process means that incoming documents are available exactly where they are needed in the process.

Digitization Service

Better focus on core processes: by outsourcing postal, scanning, recognition or validation activities to our professional shared service center.

AFI Cloud Services

Accelerate your SAP processes with AFI cloud services: process large data documents from incoming orders, order confirmations or incoming invoices better, faster and more cost-effectively.


Legally compliant archiving of your documents, data and print lists: All relevant information is available to you at all times.

AFI Tool for E-Mails in the SAP Process

Keeping it simple: linking and archiving of e-mails directly to the SAP process.

AFI Tool for Direct Scanning

Without detours: direct adding of further documents to any SAP business object – without barcodes or further ado.

AFI Tool for SAP Attachments

SAP attachments properly staged: transparent and simple organization and structuring of attachments and documents to SAP business objects.

AFI Tool for Checking Master Data and VAT Registration Numbers

Fast and reliable: automatic checking of vendor and customer master data for duplicates, completeness and correct VAT registration numbers.

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Your AFI Solutions
