Corona Pandemic:
AFI Measures
AFI ensures support for the installed solutions and ongoing services of all our customers and business partners on the usual high standard even during the Corona crisis. In times like these, we pay close attention to the protection of health. That is why we would like to inform you on the following measures:
Remote work and web conferences instead of appointments on site
As a precautionary measure, AFI has issued a complete (business) travel ban on external meetings, workshops and events for all employees until further notice, thus following the recommendations of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), which is Germany’s public health institute, and those issued by the German Government. We try to carry out appointments via web conferences if possible and wherever appropriate.
Operation continues without restrictions
Processing of our customers’ documents continues without restrictions in both RedPaperCenters in Cologne and Stuttgart. The support of our solutions is also guaranteed. Customer projects continue to proceed on the usual high standard with the restriction that appointments on site are not carried out. Even detached from the current Corona situation, emergency plans are in place to ensure operations and service quality in the event of increased sick leave. In addition, the internal emergency plans and catalogs of measures are continuously reviewed and extended.
Now caution is called for and a prudent and decisive course of action required
We follow the recommendations of the authorities with regard to travel returnees from high-risk and particularly affected areas, contacts with potential cases and/or cases tested positive for Sars-CoV-2 as well as with suspected cases.
We regularly inform our staff about current developments of the infection, preventive measures and recommendations for action – partly in the form of binding directives.
We allow for home office and flexible working hours so that our employees can also bear their own responsibility as parents for the care of their children and also their own parents in this difficult situation.
At present, serious forecasts about the development of the infection rate in Germany and the EU and thus also about the effects on our workforce and that of our suppliers and partners cannot be made by anyone. We are confident that we will be able to maintain the availability and performance of our solutions and services in the usual quality and will continue to keep you updated of any further changes.
Sven Schal & Torsten Rexin
Managing Directors of AFI Solutions GmbH